Mwinyi Ayub

Twilight of the Bastet
Ilani of the Bagheera
Archangel of the Golden Leopard Society


Height: 6'2"
Weight: 201 lb.
Ethnicity: Black
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Medium cornrolls black (sometimes shaven bare)
Clothing: Black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Distinctions: Scars criss-crossing his chest; intimidating expression
Supernatural Qualities: Of strong pedigree and lineage
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, concealed weapons
Traits: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 2; Ferocity 7, Honor 6, Cleverness 8

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 232 lb.
Eyes: Light-brown
Hair: Medium cornrolls black (sometimes shaven bare) with faint sheen of tawny fur
Distinctions: Scars criss-crossing his chest; intimidating expression
Supernatural Qualities: Of strong pedigree and lineage
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, concealed weapons
Traits: Appearance 1; Pure Breed 2; Ferocity 7, Honor 6, Cleverness 8

Height: 8'3"
Weight: 497 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Tawny fur with black spots
Distinctions: Scars criss-crossing his chest
Supernatural Qualities: Of strong pedigree and lineage
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 2; Reduced Delirium; Ferocity 7, Honor 6, Cleverness 8

Height: 8'5"
Weight: 542 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Tawny fur with black spots
Distinctions: Scars criss-crossing his chest, extra-long saber-tooth canine fangs
Supernatural Qualities: Of strong pedigree and lineage
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 2; Full Delirium; Ferocity 7, Honor 6, Cleverness 8

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 74 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Tawny fur with black spots
Distinctions: Scars criss-crossing his chest; a fine specimen of a South African leopard
Supernatural Qualities: Of strong pedigree and lineage
Traits: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 2; Ferocity 7, Honor 6, Cleverness 8

"You must not have a clue what I can do."


Date of Birth: January 28th, 1965
Home: Sibasa, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Family: Dowelani and Lufuni Ayub (parents), Maanda (older brother), Murunwa (younger sister)
First Change: Observed Injustice (grew up in South Africa under apartheid, brother murdered in Sharpeville Massacre, from youth joined the ANC's militant branch, uMkhonto we Sizwe, was a fighter but never a bomber, so when the Church Street Bombing killed as many natives as whites, flew into frenzy of rage and hunted the surviving third bomber down as a leopard), 1983
Mentor: Uuka Sohobese
The Test: Trial by Combat (butterflies led Mwinyi to an old wereleopard who lived in the bush; Mwinyi proved that race did not limit his sense of justice, and after learning the ways of the Bagheera, proved himself by slaying both white and black co-conspirators of a right-wing death squad effort)
Comrades: Nelson Mandela, Joe Slovo, Chris Hani, Marini Belai, Calliope Vallatou, Britney Beda
Key Event #1: War (in his early years, Mwinyi continued to focus on overthrowing apartheid in South Africa, and served as a "prison-whisperer" for Mandela and other ANC operatives, as well as gathering plenty of dirt on real criminals, ranking to Aka through these faithful years)
Key Event #2: War (after apartheid ended, he turned his attention to external forces trying to ruin his country, especially corporations with obvious greed and malicious intent, which tended to be Pentex subsidiaries selling military gear to right-wing reactionary rebels, and Mwinyi waged a one-man war on such efforts, thwarting illegal arms deals, slaying First Team mercenaries)
Key Event #3: Treachery (after ranking up again, began to travel abroad to expand his horizons, and headed throughout Africa and the Old World, spying on activities by other Bastet, namely the Endless Storm's operations beyond the savannah)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (after encountering two human Kinfolk mysticks in the Old World, Marini in Tripoli and Calliope in Rome at a mage's symposium, he decided to form a squad of operatives to carry out international freelance espionage to keep tabs on global terrorist and criminal organizations)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (decided to headquarter his team out of Durban, South Africa, after picking up a third Kinfolk mage for the squad from the US, Britney, and began running ops for the girls, earning him higher prestige among the Bastet in the process as well as attracting Mantis as his Jamak)


Hanshi Blade
Appearance: Curved bone knife in the Zulu fashion
Origin: Gift
Effects: Inflict more terrible wounds, especially during Hanshii duels
Activation: Wield it only with the intent to draw blood

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: Two light stripes that criss-cross
Location: Chest
Origin: Pentex First Team grunt with a silver-edged combat knife
Effects: none

Significant Others

Names: Marini Belai, 2005; Calliope Vallatou, 2006; Britney Beda, 2008
Nature: Companionship






Mwinyi's endeavor depends upon his remaining anonymous or he risks government, criminal, or supernatural foes seeking him out, and he cannot assume his Leopardesses will always save him from overbearing force.

Likelihood of Corruption


He's a savvy cat.


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