Oichi Kitabatake

Night of the Khan
Silver Tutor of Warrior Ways
Bon Bhat of the Silver Chain
Lantern of the Watchers of the Onyx Tower
Lunar Eagle of the Court of Bamboo Talons


Homid: ~Suave and cool, Oichi hides noble ancestry behind a modern facade of simple style. A well-muscled figure towers most other Asians at six feet, body mass counting up to about 175 pounds. Short, black hair sweeps back naturally and a faint smirk adorns his features most times. Cunning, dark-brown eyes dance over people and objects with fearless and shameless attention. Gray khakis drift to just below his ankles, feet clad in simple shoes. A black, short-sleeved nylon shirt is pulled over his upper body. On his right underarm, the tattoo of a Japanese battle-axe adorns his flesh in simple black sepia. A pair of blue Lennon-shades rest over his eyes at times. Whatever his fashion, whatever his prerogative, he and his garments are always meticulously clean. His motions are sharp, calculated, and fierce in the manner of a pent-up, stalking animal that can't sit still. Nevertheless, he seems keenly aware of nearly everything around him.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 4; Culture Knack, Rival Clan (Hakken); Glory 8, Virtue 10, Wisdom 7

Sokto: ~Weight nearly doubling, height gaining by a good full foot, Oishi's Sokto shape is just how all the wizards' books describe: "intimidatingly exotic". His body hair lengthens, and light streaks of golden color stripe through his head. The brown eyes take on a golden hue and become slitted most felinely. His smiles are unnerving even when he doesn't intend them to be so; perhaps this is due to the sharper canine teeth. Tiny hairs protrude from his cheek, the start of whiskers.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 4; Culture Knack, Rival Clan (Hakken); Glory 8, Virtue 10, Wisdom 7

Crinos: ~Nine feet and six hundred pounds later, Oishi's half-tiger form is a terrifying combination of man and cat. Rich orange fur, interrupted by black striping, replaces the garments. His head becomes fully feline, eyes intent with their predatory purpose. With such bulk, one might assume him to be slow, but he moves with amazing bursts of speed, as do all cats. Razor-keen claws are compared in their sheer might only by the deadly rows of chomping tiger teeth. Elegant, noble, ferocious, and clothed in indescribable, mystic might, this shape proves how the Khan truly are the kings of the jungle.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Reduced Delirium; Culture Knack, Rival Clan (Hakken); Glory 8, Virtue 10, Wisdom 7

Chatro: ~Dropping to all fours, he loses little mass, and becomes a striped terror that sends all but the bravest fleeing for their lives. Memories of ancient times when man's fire and spears drove back the wolves only to be pounced from behind by the great sabretooths flood over hapless mortal witnesses. His short tiger mane becomes a bit more prominient, and his canines extend to foot-long daggers of death.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Full Delirium; Culture Knack, Rival Clan (Hakken); Glory 8, Virtue 10, Wisdom 7

Feline: ~Just a "harmless" tiger of the Bengal family. Over six feet of fur and claw and a roar that could be heard over a Metallica concert. When in the urban jungle, he roams as the soft-fleshed man. In the wild, you will encounter him like this, likely right before he kicks you out of his territory -- and off the damn planet.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 4; Culture Knack, Rival Clan (Hakken); Glory 8, Virtue 10, Wisdom 7

"From the penthouse towers of this postmodern forest to the sweltering heat of Malaysia, everywhere is my jungle, boy. Get used to me."



Oichi was born into a wealthy family that once stood as one of the ruling samurai clans in the nation. Like many noble, feudal families did when the Shogunate collapsed in 1868, the Kitabatake became part of the Zaibatsu. Though in some circles later on, the Zaibatsu would be known as the Japanese branch of the Technocracy, among mortals it was simply the feudal lords gone capitalist. Oichi's family today now has a hand in electronics, particularly radios, boomboxes, and stereos. Oichi grew up in an environment of well-to-do but too busy to pay attention parentage. Consequently, Oichi always got to run wild. In school, he was a reckless bully and romancer extraordinaire. In college, he was the smirking know-it-all (and romancer extraordinaire). Most of his younger years, he lived only with the knowledge that he was special. No one enforced this image. He just knew he was better or at least different (privileged?) than everyone else.

First Change & Tutelage

His nineteenth birthday confirmed it. One night while literally moonlighting out in the woods on his car with his latest conquest (that would be girlfriend), he noticed the full moon was whispering to him. He blinked rapidly and strained to hear but couldn't understand. He grew agitated. He growled. His girlfriend's concerned voice irritated him further. His body began to change shape, growing furred and striped. She screamed and ran. He snarled and chased and the evening passed with her blood on his lips. For the first time in his life, he was frightened -- of himself.

Fortunately, Selene/Tsukiyomi/Luna sent notice of his First Change to the local Beast-Court. A courtier from the Court of the Red Rock arrived on the scene, tracked down the mindlessly-fleeing weretiger, and brought him to his new people. He was taught the ways of the Emerald Mother, absorbing everything he heard and saw but remaining eerily quiet. Unlike most cubs and kits, he had no pressing questions. He only observed and absorbed. He passed his initial rites with almost derisive ease, finding his canine cousins (the Hakken and Kitsune) who dominated the Court to be boorish snobs. It was evident even then that the Hakken at least were insulted that a Khan could be part of the great samurai heritage they thought their own. Oichi did not care either way and knew he was noble no matter what his human breeding.

Early Years

After the first accident, he acclimated swiftly to life among the hengeyokai. He soon returned to pay visits to his human family but remained aloof. It soon became clear his family did not want him around anymore. His unusual nightly romps disturbed their careful life rotes. They did not understand or even know that the Moon burned furiously in his blood. He could not deny the passions that were alternatively righteous, bloodthirsty, and carnal. Still, he was the son of Kitabatake Hiro, and was set up with a proper stipend. His parents no longer cared if he lived a dilettante life so long as he did not dishonor their name. He had no intention of doing the latter and to date communicates little with his human family.

Oichi's ties to his surrogate shen family weren't much stronger. Always aloof, he found the Hakken-run Court stifling. He retreated into the mountain wilderness the Court was established to ward anyway and became the quintessential Khan of eld. He set up a territory and typically roamed its perimeter in his Bengal-breed form. He danced with hsien, harbored his cousins, and entertained/ate (depending on whim) other shen who intruded upon his realm. Whatever happened, guests always knew Oichi was the lord of this particular place. He made sure his dominance was clear.

Though he did not stray from his territory very often, he saw a great deal of activity. His land, attached to the Court of the Red Rock, saw a great deal of passage. Travelers, mainly shen, used the old mountain road to avoid the human authorities who monitored the highway several miles away. It was this mountain pass that Oichi's land neighbored that allowed shen to reach Kobe from Kyoto without mortal interference. Oichi acquainted wizards and godlings, gaki and Shih, and all were given a welcome only a king could provide. Of course, if the welcome was hostile, the offending (or at least perceived as offending) shen was confronted with a clearly royal warrior. Oichi strayed from his territory little. The only time he was incensed enough to leave the wilderness for the city was when a caravan of sorts, a mobile zoo, passed "his" road. Among its captives, Oichi saw a tiger -- a very miserable tiger. He followed the zoo into Kobe and that night broke into camp, slaughtering many of the zookeepers and freeing his striped relative. Besides that, however, Oichi's life was relatively uneventful. Had he actually served the Beast-Courts in full capacity, he would have probably made at least Steel by now. Oichi is intelligent, clever, and strong enough. Like many cats, though, he has a lazy streak. He preferred to simply lie about and entertain an occasional guest -- and protect his territory and the adjacent pass from evil (or just anyone he or those at Red Rock didn't like).

In 1999, however, the Zaibatsu behind the Zaibatsu -- the Subtle Thunders -- became aware of this fact. War parties were dispatched and soon the Court of the Red Rock lay in smoldering ruins and its survivors were forced to flee. Oichi fled with his cousins, south to Shikoku. Most were absorbed into the nearest Beast-Court but Oichi had had enough of the Hakken. His eyes turned west and without waiting for word of permission, he traveled to America.

Recent Years

His time in San Francisco was brief. As he grew older, his silent ambition grew, too. Noting that California was too cut-up for a young turk like himself, he knew he had to find some place fresh. Hearing of the exploding Little Asia in Kansas City, he uprooted again. Having recently arrived, he was soon adopted into the unusual Court of Infinite Ages. He seeks his fortune within Little Asia, finding the Court too loose to sate his desire, and the region beyond Little Asia too dangerous for hengeyokai. Over time of steady service, Oichi discovered and battled a number of demons while passing on what he had to offer to Court-mates. Eventually the Court of Infinite Ages passed, and though he had acquired the Rank of Steel and learned the Rite of Claiming, he stuck with his fellow hengeyokai. Perhaps he felt loyalty to them, or perhaps enjoyed the protective umbrella of the Court.

Following the same duty in the new Court of Bamboo Talons, Oichi prepared to purchase and build his Den-Realm at last. With his home's construction, he set up a cozy cabin for his mate, Tsuyoko Miura. His eyes are set upon a throne of his own making and only time will tell if he will be given the wisdom of Selene as well as her passions and presence. Without her wisdom, he may very well lord himself six feet under. For now, however, he contents himself with giving the world the quintessential feline attitude: brusque, aloof, and superior. Those who don't like it can share someone else's air supply.


Oichi helped develop a Pride of Bastet based out of the Court of Bamboo Talons in 2006 called the Silver Chain. Although composed originally of hengeyokai, the Pride was left open to Western Cats in the region to join, too. The Pride was loosely formed, with Oichi envisioning a tribute to the old Khan-led sultanates of the old days. However, the Silver Chain is not led per se by the Khan; Oichi is considered in general to be a leader just because of his Rank. The Pride also includes Xiaomao of the Khan, Akina Li of the Khan, Chandi Vind of the Bagheera, and Lajila Andhra of the Bagheera. Greater organization awaits the acquisition of more Den-Realms at least; to date, Steel-Ranked Chandi is searching for the means. For now, the Silver Chain pursues goals in search and protection of Bastet Kin, the discovery of lore and historical fact of all sorts, and the guardianship of claimed territories.


A precocious Bobcat-spirit with a sinister streak when it comes to pranking those he dislikes, Jacy has been wandering the Pure Lands (or not so pure anymore) for quite some time. He tends to settle down in an area for awhile, and then moves on. He is not against teaming up with a Bastet now and again. His usual werecat friends have been among the Pumonca and Qualmi. But Oichi is not the first werecat not from these two Tribes -- he is, however, Jacy's first Khan. The two get along, due to Jacy's tendency to feed Oichi useful information on the surrounding area -- and Oichi's tendency to feed Jacy dinner. Their friendship caught on after Oichi rescued Jacy from being cornered and devoured by a pack of Scrags -- the fierce Khan sent the demons packing. Jacy prefers to sit still in a tree or hidden among brush like other lynxes. When approached, he behaves aloofly and a bit arrogantly, expecting others to dazzle him before he deems to engage in conversation.

Now Jacy acts like a pack totem for the Silver Chain Pride. Through a unique binding of oaths, the Bastet all work with the Bobcat to further his curiosity about hengeyokai while they learn about the spirit realms he always used to run.


Level: 2
Wall: 7 (to outsiders)
Wall: 5 (to Oichi and escorted visitors)

An expanse of just over two square miles of Midwest forest land encompasses the passage of a bubbling creek, towering cottonwood trees, and an earthy, mossy floor. The neighboring woodlands stretch out for hundreds of preserved miles, which naturalists and hikers gently explore. But the tiny Kitabatake Purchase shifts the mood of the region immensely. Though the trees do not thicken, the atmosphere does. The canopy seems more enclosed, allowing little light even at the height of day. Forest ferns and moss crawl over everything, permitting no visible trail of any sort. The tiny creek burbling past the preserve's borders is about the only sound one is likely to hear. Few birds or beasts can be heard or viewed in this section of the woods. A palpably creepy air descends on these woods, making the place seem hotter and darker -- more primal -- than it should be. This serves to dissuade casual visitors to the forest, and effectively hide his home in the center of the preserve.

The Khan's cabin home is a stout structure made predominantly of oak and maple. Its exterior design is woodsy, its construction so new that the wood still smells fresh. It is neither Oriental in appearance nor Western. It is just simple, with smooth edges that illustrate that the architect had some respect for feng shui. It bears a slanted roof from which a chimney peeks. Surrounding the cabin are quaint flower arrangements, stylized in a Zen garden fashion. A front and back door lead into the house. Therein, one finds that the cabin is designed for a small family's comfort only. A total of five rooms divide up the two thousand square foot building. Upon entrance, one gets a clear view to the back door across the common room. To the right opens a large den/dining room. A sofa, love seat, and rocker rest in a semi-circle facing the hearth, over which rests a samurai's daisho (long and short swords). Behind the seats stands a rosewood table set with a total of four chairs and candlestick centerpieces. A few steps beyond is an open doorway that leads into the kitchen area. The kitchen is spacious enough for comfortable cooking, with a stove and oven, small refrigerator and freezer, and plenty of cabinet space. Back to the entrance, when one heads left down a corridor, two doors await on either side. Another door ends the hall. The furthest door leads into the bathroom, wherein one finds a large bathtub and shower, sink, and commode. The door on the right of the hall leads into a furnished but uninhabited bedroom, where perhaps children will sleep someday. To the left leads one into the Khan's bedroom, where he and his mate share a king-sized bed and plenty of dresser and wardrobe space. A desktop allows for writing and pondering.

The entire cabin runs on independent utilities. An electric generator powers the building from a tiny shed attached to the side of the cabin. A natural well handles plumbing, and an implanted sump processes waste. Although the woodlands are dark and dreary, the canopy peeks open directly above the cabin. Tinted solar windows in the roof let in light, filling the place with both the sun's and moon's radiance. The cabin may seem isolated, but it is quite cozy enough for its inhabitants.

In the Yang World, the forest only darkens more menacingly: the abode of a predator. The trees often block and hinder the steps of trespassing spirits or Umbral travelers. The wooden walls of the cabin are replaced with amalgam stone walls with burgundy trim in the fashion of medieval Japanese castles. The walls expand to encompass four thousand square feet, though the extra space is simply the courtyard between the exterior castle walls and the miniature fortress within. Inside the castle are creature comforts much like the material version, but including much more archaic decor. Candles flicker with ethereal gentility, illuminating anyone fortunate enough to be allowed to visit this place. On the other hand, they could be ignis fatuus for any assassin fool enough to take on a Khan in his own Den-Realm, leading the violator straight to hell...


Level: 4
Gnosis: 6
Origin: This was given to Oichi grudgingly from the fetish-treasury of the Court of the Red Rock. The spirit within would not heed any wielder but a Khan, so the Hakken and Kitsune of the Court had no use for it.
Description: This Japanese battle-axe (technically a hand-axe) is made of the finest steel and carries a Tiger-spirit borne of fury, smiting any demons the wielder strikes with intense pain. It boasts a fine, iron-hard wooden haft. The steel one-sided axe head seems to never lose its edge.
Effects: 1) inflict aggravated damage; 2) drain Gnosis/Power from Wyrm-tainted targets
Activation: Brandishing the weapon and whipping it in a circle above the head in a challenging motion rouses the Tiger-spirit within to battle.

Significant Other

Always the proud Tiger, Oichi selected Tsuyoko Miura not just because of her Khan heritage. They met through Oichi's enjoyment of traditional Japanese culture back in 2002, through Tsuyoko's dance. He wooed the young and well-bred woman, and their romance kept their evenings heated. Though children are not yet on the horizon, Oichi proposed to Tsuyoko in 2004. She gladly accepted. Oichi's…monthly anger problems…tested Tsuyoko's patience with her fierce lover. And she passed this test with flying colors. Tsuyoko shackles her lover up during every full moon and keeps him…occupied…until morning!


King of Cats

Oichi's ambition bears a mile-wide selfish streak. He isn't much interested in serving the Courts or waging war on Yomi. He wants a piece of the pie due his lineage but denied by modern times. His ignoble outlook can be sympathized with because of the tragedy his race has borne. Indeed, it can even be justified, as he intends to make a family and help the Khan regain population. But in the end, Oichi is simply a dark sultan in the making.

Likelihood of Corruption


Oichi isn't likely at all to turn to the Centipede for help. But cunning whispers could lead the Khan astray. He is attentive to everything around him, but sometimes ignores some of what he sees (like going out of his way to battle a pack of roaming bakemono) that would pose an obstacle to his personal goals.


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