Tian Koyuki
“Concrete Clouds”

Ales of the Corax
Tengu of the Nine Stars Ring
Leaf of the Chisel of the Splendid Wall
Steel Guardian of the Sheltered Waters
Lunar Phoenix of the Court of Bamboo Talons


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Blue or red casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Very attractive Chinese/Japanese woman in her late 20s or early 30s possessed of self-assurance, self-awareness, and intensive attentiveness
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (pleasing); Style 3; Glory 3, Virtue 4, Wisdom 6

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black feathers
Supernatural Qualities: As a raven-like bird-woman, she's inherently frightening; add that to a sense of hypnotically lethal grace that defies the assumptions of Western Corax about this form
Traits: Appearance 0; Glory 3, Virtue 4, Wisdom 6

Height: 1'10"
Weight: 1.5 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black feathers
Supernatural Qualities: A shiny, healthy common raven, quite innocuous and unremarkable
Traits: Appearance 4 (pleasing); Glory 3, Virtue 4, Wisdom 6

"Oh, naughty, naughty, dirty Kin-jin! I see what you're up to down there."


Date of Birth: November 20th, 1987
Home: Oga, Akita Prefecture, Japan
Family: Tian Guo and Tomi (parents), Seika (older brother)
First Change: Observed Injustice (as a mixed Chinese/Japanese girl in Japan, she found herself frequently ostracized by the other school children until she got older; always a flighty child anyway, she got into trouble in high school when she stumbled across a group of schoolboys running a "rape ring"--drugging her classmates and gang-raping them; they saw her and went to grab her, but she spooked in terror and flew the coop--literally, so quickly that they had no idea what happened), 2001
Mentor: Yasunaga Zeshin
The Test: Trial by Wit (fortunately, her uncle was Trueborn Tengu and kept an eye on the Tian family as his Kinfolk and Koyuki as linked to a spirit-egg; he not only taught her the Litany and Duties of the Tengu and hengeyokai, he helped her expose the schoolboys to the authorities)
Comrades: Nariko Haikumo, Ichiro Misao, Yukio Haikumo, Duan Sai, Wen Firerain, Shizmaru Kame, Fukayume Hajime
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (her early years as Tengu involved taking up the Great Burden with her uncle in the local Beast-Court in Akita, the Court of Ogre-Slaying Champions; while this court had a strong relationship with a local Same-Bito grotto off-shore, Koyuki preferred the urban scene, for a couple of years working with a traditional Kogaku Hakken as an all-around scout and spy in the region against non-traditional threats, particularly yakuza-related gaki; she served well, with only one truly close call, in which a cruel and powerful Devil Tiger managed to hold her in a cruel and icily inescapable grip and almost drowned her in a koi pond on his estate; she technically "drowned" and was left to float, but regenerated and escaped further wrath)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (Koyuki visited the Haikumo Temple hidden up in the Tokachi Mountains on Hokkaido with her uncle frequently over these years, training on these occasions in the goblin-slaying arts, but she had no serious interest in becoming a goblin-hunter herself, which irritated her uncle since he did blame her for fleeing in terror from the schoolboys during her First Change)
Transition: Loss of Companions (her uncle's silent displeasure with her desire not to join the Haikumo finally urged her to leave Japan altogether, called abroad to the burgeoning Beast-Courts in America, and landing in Kansas City's Little Asia, where she soon flourished, taking her vampire-spotting skills to new levels with both local Kuei-jin immigrants and the native Kin-jin devils, and wherein she met other Tengu and even Tengu Kin, like Yukio...!)

Past Life

Magnitude: Her memory reaches back 100 years neatly.
Details: Part of the reason she resists her uncle's demand that she "toughen up" is the wisdom and prudence of her ancestor, Eyes-of-the-Tide, who long policed the western shorelines of northern Japan, faithfully alerting the Same-Bito to all enemies, and never engaging them herself.


Jar of Secrets
Appearance: An ancient Ainu receptacle of fired clay, about the size of a jumbo coffee mug, etched with Tengu glyphs.
Origin: Gift
Effects: Receive and replay up to five 1-minute long messages--a very archaic but unexpected messaging device.
Activation: To hear the messages left, the jar must simply be opened; to leave a message, it must be activated, rubbing the hand over the Tengu glyphs emblazoned on the side.

Battle Scars

Class: Collapsed Lung
Description: Her lungs were permanently damaged by being effectively drowned.
Location: Both lungs.
Origin: Being drowned in a koi pond by an angry Devil Tiger Mandarin.
Effects: Penalties to high-endurance physical activities that take longer than 5 minutes (casual flight doesn't count but swift flying does).

Significant Other

Name: Yukio Haikumo, 2003
Nature: Romantic


Flight vs. Flight Instinct

Koyuki is not a coward. She just has good instinct, and that instinct tells her to fly away. Tengu were not built for combat no matter what the Haikumo might think. She learns how to fight to defend herself long enough to break away and then fly away, but that's it. But her failure to escape before also shackles her with fear of repeated "little death" and an embedded sense of shame (thanks to her uncle) for having those fears.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

She's a good guy in a Beast-Court made up of good guys. Even if she were corrupted somehow, the Court would clean her up right quick. No, she's more likely to just get drowned again.


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