Melissa Rothenberg
“Phantom Princess”

Morrigan's Daughter
Neocornix of the Corax
Badb of the Five Reeds Ring


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black or white and blue casual
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Distinctions: Smokin' hot gal with a fearless and feisty attitude that seems to cover up a bit of a sweethearted absent-minded airhead routine, which in turn covers up a keen and watchful peacekeeper's eye
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, black raven's feather woven into her hair, sawed-off shotgun and billy club behind the bar
Traits: Appearance 4 (delightful); Style 2; Airhead; Glory 1, Honor 1, Wisdom 6

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black feathers
Supernatural Qualities: Aside that she's a giant raven-like bird-woman in this frightening, primordial war-form, this wiry and lithe Daughter of Morrigan is fairly brutish, as Rara Avis builds go
Traits: Appearance 0; Glory 1, Honor 1, Wisdom 6; Reduced Delirium

Height: 2'0"
Weight: 3 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black feathers
Supernatural Qualities: A sleek and healthy common raven. Her favorite form off (on) the clock.
Traits: Appearance 4 (delightful); Glory 1, Honor 1, Wisdom 6

"Hey! Take it outside or I'll make you take it outside!"


Date of Birth: March 30th, 1986
Home: Hebron, Nebraska, United States
Family: Ebenezer and Mary Rothenberg (parents), Louise (older sister)
First Change: Personal Tragedy (country girl that grew up in small town in the Midwest, unaware of her Corax heritage; always an active and feisty gal, picking fights with boys and girls she couldn't win despite her parents letting her take "peewee" boxing; her Change came when she picked a fight with an older bully lurking around the high school campus who turned out to be a horrific fomori with a gaping maw that tried to eat her hand, and so, freaking out, her Rage triggered and spurred a shift to Crinos--and her instincts drove her to fight instead of flight, pecking the fomori's eyes out and leaving him to rot while she flapped off in maddened confusion), 2002
Mentor: Duke Skyrunner
The Test: Trial by Wit (while flapping about, shrunken down into Corvid, Duke blew by and communicated his intent, and took her under wing [so to speak], teaching her the ways of the Corax, always testing her with tough questions often couched in silly riddles--he was a silly little man altogether, but honest and good)
Comrades: Jagger Jaol, Alan Jaol, Cheyenne Ipp, Raford Coates, Forrest Law, Robert "Hodge" Hodgkins
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (she dropped out of high school and ran away from home, traveling south, just flying or hitch-hiking to gather stories, eventually landing in New Orleans, where she decided to settle a while, picking up simple work as a bartender at a dive called The High Wing, originally a crop dusters' hang-out)
Key Event #2: Treachery (she kept her ears to the ground and stirred the rumor mill, but also still had the attitude and mixed it up, brawling with rowdy drunks to toss them out on their butts--a task she got better and better at even in just Homid, and gradually Mellisa worked her way up in the bar to assistant manager)
Key Event #3: Treachery (eventually, she became the general manager and business partner with "Hodge"; meanwhile, she used the rumor mill to learn about potentially dirty dealings and corrupt "Big Ag" business practices in the area [often Pentex-connected], which she would spend her free time investigating, and then "hot-lining" the local Garou with dropped hints and messages for them to act on the intel)
Transition: Shift in Nature (but her burly-minded attitude always led her back to wanting to do the fighting, too, and during the Parliament that saw her promoted to Neocornix, she met the regional chapter of Morrigan's Daughters and joined up; she also met Jagger, a male Corax who wanted to join the Morrigu, which she takes great sadistic joy in teasing him about while kicking his ass on a regular basis)

Past Life

Magnitude: Her fair memory reaches back a century or so.
Details: Her past lives were all Badb, including a famous Swedish Corax known as Night-on-the-Snow, who led a Get of Fenris Sept to heroic victory over a massive Wyrm-worshiping demon cult in the last days of the Wild West

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: A series of asymmentrical and unevenly shaped bumps
Location: The back of her left shoulder and clavicle
Origin: Grappling with a nasty fomori guard outside a Railung (Pentex subsidiary) GMO seed factory, whose arms were spike-covered tentacles
Effects: none


Corvid's Favor
Appearance: A simple and sleek black raven's feather she wears woven into her hair.
Origin: Gift
Effects: Enables her to use Gifts normally requiring Corvid or Crinos forms in her Homid form.
Activation: So long as it's on her person and attuned, its effects are automatic.

Significant Other

Name: Jagger Jaol, 2007
Nature: Volatile


Big Mouths, Brittle Bones, Bruising Fists

Mellisa is fearless and downright vicious once she loses her temper. It never matters who starts it; she insists on finishing it. She too often fights when she should fly.

Likelihood of Corruption


Being feisty doesn't mean one is prone to corruption. She's got a good heart and keeps to the Litany.


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