Rufaro Baas
Great Black Hunter

Aka of the Amadu-Simba
Night of the Stormenders Pride


Height: 6'2"
Weight: 209 lb.
Ethnicity: Back
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short buzzcut black
Clothing: Black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Distinctions: Great round scar on left side
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine upbringing and lineage
Accoutrements: Concealed weapons
Traits: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 2; Ferocity 4, Honor 1, Cleverness 4

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 282 lb.
Eyes: Light-brown
Hair: Short wild black
Clothing: Black casual
Distinctions: Great round scar on left side
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine upbringing and lineage; strikingly handsome man-cat
Accoutrements: Concealed weapons
Traits: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 2; Ferocity 4, Honor 1, Cleverness 4

Height: 9'5"
Weight: 825 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Tawny yellow fur, full goldenrod mane
Distinctions: Great round scar on left side
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine upbringing and lineage; terrifyingly massive cat-man hybrid
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 2; Reduced Delirium; Ferocity 4, Honor 1, Cleverness 4

Height: 9'2"
Weight: 782 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Tawny yellow fur, full goldenrod mane
Distinctions: Great round scar on left side
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine upbringing and lineage; terrifyingly massive lion with saber-tooth fangs
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 2; Full Delirium; Ferocity 4, Honor 1, Cleverness 4

Height: 8'1"
Weight: 432 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Tawny yellow fur, full goldenrod mane
Distinctions: Great round scar on left side
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine upbringing and lineage: a great golden lion!
Traits: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 2; Ferocity 4, Honor 1, Cleverness 4

"No, no more questions. Time to run. Time to die."


Date of Birth: July 27th, 1988
Home: Orapa, Central District, Botswana
Family: Wataida and Aneni Baas (parents), Vimbo (older sister)
First Change: Observed Injustice (family ran a small cattle ranch outside Orapa until the land was all bought out by the De Beers corporation and he and his father could only work in the diamond mines; he ultimately Changed in a rage under the lash of a mine overseer treating the workers as little better than slaves, and after ripping him apart as a werelion, terrifying all around, he fled), 2006
Mentor: Mayita Wonai
The Test: Trial by Combat (chased down in the savannah by a werelioness, put in his place, and then taught the ways of the Amadu Simba, and recognized as an adult only after he fought and proved himself better against an Engling-spirit in the form of a great bull elephant, which badly gored him but he still brought it low)
Comrades: Mayita Wonai, Kihiga Nau, Trina
Key Event #1: War (he decided to first make things right for his people, so he went back to the open-pit mine and heisted the rough stones to sell on the black market, and donate the proceedings to conservation charities; a famous Get of Fenris bounty hunter named Vaandig Lars came after him, but Rufaro bested this "Great White Hunter", and called upon the spirits to help him "eat his soul")
Key Event #2: War (Rufaro soon ranked up as an infamous anti-poaching "Great Black Hunter", though Mayita warned him against drawing the attention of the Endless Storm)
Transition: Victory (after one of Black Tooth's Simba approached him, he decided to leave Africa, and chased a pack of American poachers home; there he linked up with Kihiga Nau and joined the Stormender cause, moving to South Africa as well)

Battle Scars

Class: Deep
Description: Great round spot
Location: Left side of the torso under the rib cage
Origin: Elephant-Engling gored him during his First Year trials
Effects: Sore on rain days

Significant Others

Names: Trina, 2012
Nature: Erotic



Two Wrongs

Rufaro is more than happy to visit the suffering upon colonial whites that they visited upon his homeland and people, and already has more than once.

Likelihood of Corruption


He trusts in his old teacher's warnings about Black Tooth and other threats of Cahlash. But he's now a stranger in Zululand.


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