Ife Djedi

Tilau of the Bubasti
Night of the Riddle of the Unmaned


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 116 lb.
Ethnicity: Mixed (Middle Eastern/White)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium archaic black
Clothing: Black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Elegant, beautiful, and exotic: the woman has no parallel and knows it
Supernatural Qualities: The delicacy of her features elicits her ancient royal pedigree
Accoutrements: Heavy jewelry, Gucci hand-bag, ancient Egyptian sacrificial dagger
Traits: Appearance 5 (captivating); Style 3; Pure Breed 4; Ferocity 5, Honor 2, Cleverness 8

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium archaic black
Supernatural Qualities: The delicacy of her features elicits her ancient royal pedigree, shaped with a divine wildness that takes the breath away
Traits: Appearance 6 (captivating); Style 3; Pure Breed 4; Ferocity 5, Honor 2, Cleverness 8

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: The delicacy of her catwoman features elicits her ancient royal pedigree; she virtually glows with terrifying and dark mystical power
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Ferocity 5, Honor 2, Cleverness 8; Reduced Delirium

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Tawny-brown and black fur
Supernatural Qualities: The delicacy of her large panther-like features elicits her ancient royal pedigree; two knife-like saber teeth accompany a guttural growl of pure and primordial ferocity
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Ferocity 5, Honor 2, Cleverness 8; Full Delirium

Height: 2'2"
Weight: 35 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Tawny-brown fur
Supernatural Qualities: A gorgeous wild cat, the desert lynx, a caracal with its distinct long ears, on a predatory prowl
Traits: Appearance 5 (captivating); Pure Breed 4; Ferocity 5, Honor 2, Cleverness 8

"Fascinating. No, not really. Now go away."


Date of Birth: March 17th, 1981
Home: Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Family: Nestor Mellou and Alima Maroun (parents)
First Change: Observed Injustice (she was born and raised: in the Cult of Isis dwelling secretly in Cairo, avoiding Muslims and Setites alike; Ife was immersed in the mysteries of the cult all her life and learned the trappings of Isisian sorcery; however, she proved her Bubasti heritage derived from her mother when she First Changed at the sight of a vampire ritual that defiled the vision of the full moon, "polluting" its power and stirring her outrage, though she dared not attack and fled in shame), 1997
Mentor: Dendera Sarkis
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (Dendera, also part of the Cult of Isis, was also one of the resident Bubasti sorcerers embedded there, and she took Ife under wing, ensuring the kit learned all she needed that first year)
Comrades: Shani Tey, Zuka Ialu
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (once on her own, she immediately devoted herself to the mastery of magic and gathering of personal power, so that she would never feel like she had to flee the sight of injustice ever again; she also attracted the patronage of Old Snapjaw as Jamak; and during her initial escapades and gathering of knowledge, she murdered every Setite and their foul allies that she encountered, all across the Mediterranean area: North Africa, the Near East, and Europe)
Key Event #2: War (her skills eventually enabled her to track down and destroy Bane demons themselves, especially those associated with Setites' dark magic; she tracked a particularly nasty corrupter across the ocean to America, working with another Cultist of Isis sorceress, Shani Tey, to destroy it and its allies utterly)
Transition: Victory (her cautious brilliance and the grace of her aptitude for magic empowered her to victory time and again, and she continued her trek across the world in search for more mystical and esoteric secrets, taking power more from victories than libraries; by piecing together clues from uncovered lore and tortured vampire enemies, she even learned the secret resting place of what could be the haven of Sutekh himself, a secret with which she took and fled to the far corner of Africa)


Heart of the Spirit
Appearance: A fist-size piece of rose quartz carved to resemble a human heart
Origin: Creation
Effects: Store additional energy (Rage, Gnosis, or Willpower)
Activation: She must utter a magical command in ancient Egyptian.

Significant Other

Name: Shani Tey, 2004
Nature: Romantic


Shadow Pride

Ife is powerful and is becoming more powerful. She is almost consumed with power-lust. One day, it may overtake her purpose of obtaining that power.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though she puts her curious cat nose in places it shouldn't go, she's self-aware enough to know when Asura's taint threatens her soul.


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