Kassandra Thorwald

Neocornix of the Badb
Allied Scout of the Valor Pack


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 126 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: White, blue, or black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A smokin'-hot brunette in sexy clothing, a glittering eye for gold, a keen nose for trouble, and a mouth that doesn't stop running
Supernatural Qualities: A few odd things occasionally happen around her but it's not her fault, honest!
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (captivating); Style 3; Glory 0, Honor 0, Wisdom 6

Height: 6'8" (13-foot wingspan)
Weight: 180 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black feathers
Supernatural Qualities: Rare bird, indeed: a tall feathered bird-like creature with beady sharp eyes, a sharper bony beak, and curling talons, along with vastly spreading wings for arms and a body covered in midnight-black feathers
Traits: Appearance 0; Delirium (reduced); Glory 0, Honor 0, Wisdom 6

Height: 2'1" (4-foot wingspan)
Weight: 2.5 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black feathers
Supernatural Qualities: Kassandra has become a common raven, black feathers and grating kaw, yet fixating black eyes, while still eager to fly and likely already passing you by in search of something or someone shinier
Traits: Appearance 5 (captivating); Glory 0, Honor 0, Wisdom 6

"Got an easy one for you today, boys. A Black Spiral-enforced First Team sitting on a nice false front gas station entrance to the Magadon facility."

"And boy, do they look fat and bored. In fact, I think they have one of those big fat fomori-types—hey, wait up! I wanna watch!"


Date of Birth: December 2nd, 1991
Home: Old Westbury, North Hempstead, Long Island, New York, United States
Family: Lucas and Martha "Martie" Thorwald (parents); Matthew (younger brother)
First Change: Personal Tragedy (Kass grew up in a very wealthy family on Long Island, an unobservant Jewish family, but she did enjoy a rather spoiled upbringing, popular in school, right up until she began to have weird "bird dreams", which only worsened her pre-existing claustrophobia; those dreams lured her to a park where a Corax elder named Grind Gerisson swooped down, changed in front of her, and triggered her own change with an unbidden vision of "Ragnarok"), 2008
Mentor: Grind Gerisson
The Test: Trial by Wit (at first, she expectedly freaked out, but Grind kept her under wraps; once she calmed down from a veritable fox frenzy, he began teaching her the Litany and expectations, and explaining why he "chose" her: that she had already been chosen, and the ancestors of her kind lived through her for generations; the grim nature of the Ragnarok visions were so shattering that she barely gave her family or inheritance a second thought; she was then tested on both knowledge of the Litany and an exhibition of her Corax scouting, obliged to fly around Long Island and Brooklyn and report everything she saw that she thought was important, and the Rite of Passage wasn't over until she found a human corpse somewhere and ate an eye to get a death view)
Comrades: Adley Metzen, Jurgen Osborne, Stein Kettil, Tyra Birger, Annelili Rohde, Sloanie Rostron, Hilary Strange, Sarah Humbleton, Kitt Kellie, Shayla Simpson
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (so, okay, the eye-eating grossed her out even if she accepted its necessity, but what really drew her to embrace her new reality was the "true crimes" lifestyle; despite her mentor's warnings, she approached the local rural Garou and offered aid; she was nearly killed and driven off, but eventually flocked to a Get of Fenris pack, which took her as "Munin", one of Odin's pet ravens, and adopted her as their mascot if nothing else)
Key Event #2: War (but she proved far more useful than a mascot, providing very useful scouting and intel on Wyrmie enemies all over the area, and soon she was accepted as a prime pack ally, which she felt like she wanted above all)
Key Event #3: War (she ascended to the second Rank quickly as a consequence, scoping out "battlefields" for her Fenrir friends, as well as her own "detective" work, snooping around mostly and using her beauty and charm to her advantage; this enabled her to dig into more urban, human-controlled outlets of the Wyrm, many of which were tied to or subsidiary of Pentex; in the process, she did earn the enmity of one ghost, a human bystander caught up in a nasty gas station fight, and she began trying to placate the spirit, without success so far)
Transition: Victory (her first big Parliament in Manhattan went well: her fellow Corax both approved of her connection to the Fenrir but also chastised her choice of friends, but overall were pleased with her reviving a traditional alliance between Garou and Corax, leaving her feeling as vindicated and happy as a haunted wereraven could be; Grind was still around and gave her a pair of Silver Claws "just in case")

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: Small pock mark
Location: Just under her left ribs
Origin: A silver bullet (so Pentex First Teams don't know everything; it still hurt the comparatively frail Corax like a mother at the time...shhhh, the Fenrir thought she took one for the team; they don't know better either!)
Effects: none


Silver Claws
Appearance: Fancy, elaborately designed "brass" knuckles designed to fit over her talons
Origin: Gift
Effects: Inflict silvered damage with her talon attacks
Activation: Put them on and kaw out a traditional Garou battle challenge

Past Life

Magnitude: She has one of the best ancestral memories of any Corax: she can recall as far back as Interregnum
Details: Over the ages, she has connected to a number of different past lives, but her Viking-esque ancestor called Jerika Icewind sticks out the most: she was mighty, bold, and a drunken braggart, and the envy of her Fenrir "sea wolf" friends

Significant Others

Names: Tyra Birger, Annelili Rohde, Hilary Strange, Sarah Humbleton, Kitt Kellie, Shayla Simpson, 2012
Nature: Erotic







Skeletons in the Closet

Her job is to learn secrets, not have any of her own. And she doesn't have secrets per se, but rather an unspoken fear of cramped places (like a closet) and scary things that could be "living" in them (like a haunting ghost).

Likelihood of Corruption


She's on a high speed dirt crash course, flying with a pack of Fenrir. She's more likely to die in combat long before the Wyrm ever gets in her head.


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