Chandi Vind

Day of the Bagheera
Ilani of the Silver Chain
Gold Guardian of the Sheltered Waters
Lunar Eagle of the Court of Bamboo Talons
Lantern of the Grim Venom of Mother's Vengeance


Homid: ~An attractive Indian woman in her mid-20s, Chandi mingles in society with reluctant acceptance. She exists as an untouched and pure idol of beauty and sensuality. Indeed, she is an untouchable creature, her cold air and keen eye uncomfortable and unsettling. Animals fly at her approach. When catching a glimpse of the edgy fire in mahogany-brown eyes, men, women, and children turn the other way if they don't run themselves. Her mode of attire is fairly harmless, however. She chooses stylish garments of satin and fur and silk -- pants, gowns, blouses -- it doesn't matter so long as it comes straight out of Cosmopolitan. The colors tend towards muted, earthy tones and they bring out her light-skinned features and dark lips. But her clothing does not seem to be the source of loneliness that this woman enjoys. Her lips draw at every infringement, her well-developed muscles tauten at every crime, and her eyes cloud at every curse. She seems alone in a world where justice is spat upon and the truth is ignored. It's no wonder that the kukri hidden under her clothing come so quickly to hand.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Style 2; Pure Breed 2; Disconcerting; Glory 7, Virtue 7, Wisdom 6

Sokto: ~Adapting a much more exotic look, Chandi sheds smooth skin for soft, dark fur. Her ears sharpen and her eyes slit. Her canines visibly elongate when she smiles -- or more likely growls. Her nails lengthen and her musculature increases to a highly developed state. She must weigh almost twice as normal and this catwoman seems like a deadly feline predator. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 2; Disconcerting; Glory 7, Virtue 7, Wisdom 6

Crinos: ~Springing up to a towering eight feet, the panther-warrior is an image of primal mysticism and spiritual ferocity. Weighing over 500 pounds, Triumph-of-Varuna glows with readiness and fearless hunger. Gold eyes shine coldly past the midnight-black fur. Bone-white claws and fangs terrify the weak and give pause to the strong. Chandi moves with massive power and agility, ready to pounce.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 2; Disconcerting; Glory 7, Virtue 7, Wisdom 6; Reduced Delirium

Chatro: ~Chandi is now wholly quadrapedal and a massively-muscled cat. Black fur lines her head-to-toe, this almost 600 pound feline monster. Aside from her unusual size, Chandi boasts massive canines like the ancient smilodon. The huge saber-toothed panther, however, inspires great terror mankind and animals like, sending most screaming in the opposite direction. This terrifying beast's golden eyes are glazed over with Rage, a savage killing machine ready to cut loose like Kali on Doomsday.~

OOC: Appearance 1; Pure Breed 2; Disconcerting; Glory 7, Virtue 7, Wisdom 6; Full Delirium

Feline: ~A sleek black panther pads silently through the shadowed scenery. Lurking, stalking, the great cat seems to be on the prowl for something. Like all wild animals, great cats especially, it may be wise to give Chandi her space. Her teeth are sharp, her eyes are keen and bright, and her nails are cruel. Her pure blood lends an air of primal and even magical beauty that should not, cannot, be touched.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 2; Disconcerting; Glory 7, Virtue 7, Wisdom 6

"Mother Nature is to be appeased, not abused. If you will not water her soils with the rains and rivers, your blood may suffice instead, infidel."



Central India is not known as a region of wealth and success. Living as an orphan, as an Untouchable brat, hardly made this life interesting or fun. Chandi's mother, Kona, managed to wean the child out of infancy. But she soon succumbed to malnutrition and a young Chandi took to petty theft in the small town of Jabalpur's marketplace to alleviate her hunger. Fortunately, the merchant she stole from the most, who had detected the child's activities, let them occur out of mercy. Chandi grew up in poverty alone. She learned to fend for herself on the dirt roads and admidst the crumbling one-story structures. The few creature comforts she possessed -- a blanket, for example -- were mostly stolen. Living day-to-day, even by her early teens Chandi had no eye or care for the future. She could only survive.

In spite of this adversity, Chandi's eyes and ears grew sharp. Outcast, she spent a lot of time listening in on others' conversations. And on certain nights, typically when the moon was its fullest, she felt something deep inside calling her from the town to the mountains. The Vindhya called her and her curiousity grew more and more. But she didn't dare go exploring with nothing but the shirt on her back. So she remained stuck in town. When she was fourteen, however, her way of life was forcibly altered. A sudden change of heart in the merchant she regularly "stole" from got her cornered behind his booth. He demanded she hand back the bread and fruit she had under her shirt and surrender to the law if she refused to get a job. There were no jobs for a girl like her in Jabalpur except the...well, she didn't ever even consider that.

First Change & Mentorship

And now she couldn't even get food! Wide-eyed and frightened, Chandi just babbled incoherently. The merchant grew angry and smacked her. Chandi screamed shortly and cowered, but a fierce light was growing in her eyes. The merchant didn't heed it and grabbed her, shaking her roughly. That's when it happened. Flesh sprouted dark fur, fingers became claws, lips bared razor-sharp teeth. It was the merchant's turn to scream. He turned and fled and the young panther pounced him down with an angry snarl. But confused, Chandi bound off, leaving the man alive, if catatonic with fear for an hour or two. Ducking through a maze of memorized alleys, she fled the town on a cat's instincts and retreated into the forests and mountains beyond.

So Chandi ran the fear and confusion and anger out of herself all day long. She ended up scaling a tree, recovering from the strange "dream" in her breed form. Curled up, she wept and soon fell asleep. Chandi did not wake up for several hours and found that when she did, the moon was full in the sky above, and shone down upon her. Stirring, she climbed down from the tree and looked around. By Vishnu, she was lost, and began to pray to Vishnu while she was at it. She began to walk somewhere, anywhere, but she didn't go far when down the forested mountainside a figure approached. He glowed pale and white like a ghost and she backed up into a tree, afraid. But she also felt drawn to him, so she didn?t run.

The man approached and spoke. He was an amazingly handsome young man and his smile lit up the whole world. Chandi was put at ease and stepped forward. The man's voice echoed all around her like a dream. He told he was a messenger from God. He told her he was to tell her she was the child of the gods, and that she must seek her father in these mountains. Vadin Vind was a great cat in this land and would guide her well to her destiny. Destiny? The mere idea that she even had a destiny was so empowering she smiled wider and laughed and danced right then and there. People say that Untouchables are all part of the great Dharmic Wheel, but they sure don't act like it. In final parting, the spirit touched the girl's brow. And when he did, a necklace shimmered into material form around her neck. It was of the finest gold and set with a pendant made from a beautiful bright blue gem, opal-cut. Chandi could feel its magical power but did not understand it. Then the spirit vanished.

And so Chandi began to explore the Vindhya. As it were, the spirit visited Vadin, and so it was the elder cat who found Chandi. He watched her from afar for the first day. She pushed onwards, becoming ravenously hungry and thirsty, but driven by new purpose. She searched everywhere but Vadin didn't present himself to his daughter til she had nearly collapsed from exhaustion and hunger. The middle-aged, powerful Bagheera took the girl up and carried her into the heart of the range where his Den lay.

Chandi's education began. Vadin explained he was her father and that they were both Bagheera. He parted to her the tribe's noble Caliah and told her about the true nature of the world as he knew it. He explained the metaphysics of the Weaver, Wyld, and Wyrm, and how Gaia and Selene played into this dance of the gods. Vadin informed the kit what place the Bastet were to serve in the grand scheme of things. And he explained that the necklace was a gift from Selene and that she should keep it close at all times. On the nights Selene shone the brightest, the Lady would share some of her magic with Chandi. So over the next few weeks, Vadin kept her in his snug valley estate, feeding her well, getting her properly bathed and dressed. And the next full moon, he asked her what she wanted to do. And Chandi told him straight -- she wanted this more than anything. She wanted to be a panther, the Eye of Gaia, the wisdom of the forests, the fury of Vishnu, and the blades of Kali. So began her training.

Vadin's initial tutelage exposed her talents and weaknesses. While most Bastet are suave and persuasive, Chandi's outcast beginnings afforded her stunted social skills. She was seemed almost feral, in fact, and could not befriend any of the animals Vadin kept around the estate. Furthermore, natural predilections turned down more of a warrior's path. Keen senses were sharpened through Vadin's guidance and training. She learned how to fight with almost any traditional weapon and was shown at least the basics of modern firearms. Furthermore, Vadin instructed her upon the fighting style of Silat Hamaal through the guise of dance, where she began to learn about pressure points and energy-channeling. She learned how to combine human fighting methods with feline, and how to use her blessings to their utmost in battle. Vadin was a stern and strict teacher, and remained that more than ever becoming a father to her. Indeed, she had grown up without one and the spirit that visited her that night had filled her with the purpose to belong. At least consciously, she didn't need a father, she needed a mentor. And Vadin was a very good kuasha.

Rank One

Over the next two years, Chandi impressed her father with her swift development and improvement. She was growing into an attractive young woman, confident and strong. It was time for her graduation to be earned. Vadin searched the lands for an adequate test for his daughter. Back in Jabalpur, cows were disappearing. Dissession was spreading through the more religious people. The more logical people presumed wild animals -- wolves or panthers or maybe even a tiger -- were responsible. Vadin sent Chandi to find out what was responsible and if possible, resolve the conflict herself.

In the course of her investigation, she returned to the central marketplace. Now older and much more refined, the merchants left her unmolested. As she strolled through, many weaseled to gain her attention and favor. But she ignored them all, nose high, looking for clues to the problem, not a good deal on cheap wares. In the process, she almost tripped over a thick piece of rubber just lying on the dirt road. She tried to identify it and finally realized that it was a layer of tire from a truck. Few trucks came through Jabalpur. So she decided to follow the tracks, having no other clues at hand. Those tracks led far down that dirt road, then abruptly branched off the road. Not far from the road's shoulder stood a rocky area and she resolved to explore it.

As a panther, Chandi leapt and bound from rock to rock, ascending the heights. She soon came upon a crevice hidden in the stones. She padded silently forward, nose and whiskers twitching at the horrid scent of rotten meat wafting out of the cave. Chandi summoned her courage and jumped down into the crevice. The dark cave opened up into a firelit chamber around which four misshapen creatures sat around a haunch of raw cow meat. Though similar to men, their twisted visages and multiple limbs suggested that these were dakat -- demons who stole the shape of men -- as Vadin had warned.

The stink of half-cooked cow and wretched monsters unsettled the hunter in Chandi. Her form slowly shifted, growing in mass, sprouting the wicked fangs of the ancient smilodon but in the guise of a black-furred menace. And the larger cat sprang into that room with a shrieking challenge. The dakat screamed at the ambush, scattering in confusion. Chandi pounced the closest one before it could react and set to mauling it viciously. The other fomori backed off, terrified, their still-human minds rejecting the primal killer. But at last, their leader summoned his courage and ordered an attack. By then, Chandi was ready for more, and turned to face her enemies in Crinos. A pair of kukri in hand, she charged the dakat. One was cut to ribbons as it tried to defend itself with the bony ridges of its arms. The other leapt onto her back, digging claws and fangs into her tough, furry hide. Snarling, she threw herself back against the cave wall to stun the demon.

Meanwhile, the leader was inhaling and preparing a nasty surprise. The dakat on her back tried to dig its nails deeper but with a snarl she whaled it against the wall again. Catching the leader's actions, she whirled just as the leader coughed and spat up a vile concoction of acidic vomit and worms -- which coated his comrade instead of her. Chandi flung the shrieking demon at his buddy and launched her last attack on the group. His curse changed to a grunt as a body landed on him, and then he was buried under Raging fur and steely claws, raked and rent to not-so-tasty fomori giblets. So ended her ritual of passage into Bastet adulthood.

Chandi was proud of herself, but Vadin warned that this proof was fairly typical of most of Gaia's Changing children. He further admonished her pride. Chagrined but not disheartened, Chandi vowed to make a worthy Tekhmet of herself. She remained with her father for awhile longer, since secretly he was quite proud of his daughter and wanted to see her put to good use for the Tribe. He told her he would have jobs lined up for her in the near future, so she shouldn't wander far. And she didn't wander too far, but she did take the time to explore the nearby countryside thoroughly. Chandi encountered a variety of things, from the mundane to the supernatural, from the common to the rare. She formed judgments for those things she felt she understood -- beginning, of course, with basic morality and law. Sometimes, she was called upon to enforce those beliefs. And she did so with a deadly command of panther battle skills. Chandi found that she agreed wholeheartedly with the laws of the Bagheera. She vowed to uphold them and because they were just, she promised to help keep them in the world. Her dance was as beautiful as the angels when at rest and when down to business, as deadly as Kali.

Rank Two

Her wanderlust ended in 2000 when the Bagheera Council of Elders in India had use of her proven skills. Chandi was to accompany the mature Pearl-Eyes-to-the-West, a renowned Bagheera spiritualist, to New Delhi to right a certain wrong. Pearl had immense command of magic and shamanism but was not as great a warrior as young Chandi. Chandi was to be her physical protector. The two soon left for Delhi. En route, Pearl informed Chandi of the situation. India was a region of immense supernatural conflict. Western vampires pushed against Eastern ones, Changing Breeds clashed, and the Shadow suffered upheaval. In the course to help smooth the waves out, the Bagheera loaned an ancient artifact of power to the Eastern vampires, the Wan Kuei, in their effort to drive out the barbaric and unenlightened Kin-jin. Unfortunately, the Hungry Dead to whom the talisman was loaned failed to return it after its successful use in uprooting a hive of Western leeches. Its magic was great and pure - it would cleanse the blood of any human or animal of any supernatural states. Thus, ghoul armies were fairly useless against whoever was armed with this magical item. A jug of pure water, the Decanter of Rudra, if splashed upon or drank by anyone, who gain those benefits -- whether they wanted to be "cured" or not.

Pearl did most of the investigation. She had contacts beyond contacts. A ghost in every village and town they passed through had information of where the thief might have gone. Meanwhile, Chandi kept Pearl safe, sometimes just through rattling her kukri sheathes or baring her fangs -- sometimes using those weapons. In time, as the Council thought, all clues led the pair to New Delhi. The Wan Kuei, Pavonti Qu, and her Wu, had succeeded in driving out a large hive of the Western undead. But not before the surviving Cainites rendered a curse of insanity upon Pavonti. Now obsessed with the magical jug, she kept it to herself at all times and refused to partake in the sacred guanxi of her Wu. Her vampire family began to ostracize her, which made her feel worse, of course, and obsess further. Til the day the panthers came to reclaim their own sacred treasure. Pearl battled off the slavish spirits in service to Qu, while Chandi had the chore of defeating the much older (by some 100 years) vampire. The battle lasted a tiring hour of attrition and ploys more than combat skill. At one point, Qu forced Chandi's face under a pool of water and tried to drown the Bagheera. Already turned off by water -- a sentiment many (but not all) cats hold dearly -- that really freaked poor Chandi out. But she proved herself in the end, using a classic "rope-a-dope" trick to lure Qu into believing the young panther was spent. And then she unleashed a terrible counter-assault as Qu exposed herself for a coup de grace, and savaged the vampire in seconds, slicing limbs clean off and finishing with biting the vampire's head almost clean off.

The talisman was taken back into possession and the pair left Delhi quickly to avoid Qu's Wu's retribution. They met once more with the Council, who rewarded both panthers for their success. Indeed, Chandi was honored with the deed name, the "Triumph-of-Varuna", for her driven intent and success to keep honor and moral strength alive. She was recognized at the Rank of Aka thereon, and immediately offered a new mission to serve Gaia and her Tribe. The Bagheera of India were well aware of the Beast-Courts of the Middle Kingdom to which they directly neighbored. Indeed, a few rare leopards ranked among the hengeyokai. Each had his or her own reasons, but the Tribal Elders needed someone with an eye for the Tribe's interests numbering in the Beast-Courts. Chandi was offered the honor of transferring to the hengeyokai.

After close consideration of the Way of Emerald Virtue, she agreed to meet with the closest Beast-Court -- and there were a few in India. Though her virtue spoke for itself, the hengeyokai demanded a brief challenge for proof of her intent. She was sent to Calcutta to perform a service of choice for the Court of the Moon Spray. Operated by an Elder Makara, Dreams-Seas-High, he wanted to test this young panther's renowned wisdom. Dreams' spies had learned of a pack of feral, unaligned Changing Breeds running through Calcutta -- and it was thought to include a rogue Ajaba. Dreams-Seas-High required Chandi to locate and observe this pack's behavior for a week. If they proved to lean to the power of the Centipede, she was to report this to the Moon Spray Beast-Court immediately. The real test, of course, was to see if she upon noticing the Ajaba, would report it to her Tribal Elders instead. Of course, she would be stopped before doing so. Any spirits she reported this secret to would simply go back to the Makara. And if word leaked out, the Court of the Moon Spray would exert its power and protect the Ajaba from blind Bastet rage.

Over a month passed, and Chandi did not disappoint. She observed this rogue pack made up mostly of Indian Ratkin and Bone Gnawers, as well as the Ajaba. Whether because she had not heard enough about Ajaba from Vadin or other Bagheera, or was truly fair in her judgments, she made no attempt to report her findings to anyone besides Dreams-Seas-High. When the task was done, she was admitted into the Beast-Courts under the auspice of Pillar and noted as a sturdy Iron in badge of Rank. Seasons passed, and although Chandi was a simple countrygirl, more aloof than even most other Bastet, she earned respect. She performed her Courtly functions dutifully and consistently. However, Dreams-Seas-High was not fully convinced that Chandi was present in the Beast-Courts simply to devote herself to the Way of Emerald Virtue. As a result, she was never given glorious missions or tasks of mystical importance.

Recent Years

So nearly two years later, Chandi began to beg for a mission of greater importance. Dreams-Seas-High at first preached patience, but soon relented as he remembered the mammalian Breeds' hot-blooded impatience. However, there was nothing happening in Calcutta at the time that demanded her abilities. Furthermore, his mistrust had never been completely alleviated. So he contacted Zhong Lung and Makara Elders elsewhere in the Middle Kingdom for a recommendation. The Coalition of Little Asia in America was the idea he finally decided for Chandi. He suggested that the maturing Bagheera would find her talents be of greater use in a new and less established Court -- and what was less established than one of the only shen institutions in the West?

Chandi agreed and transferred from Calcutta to Kansas City in late 2002. The first time out of India, Chandi still feels very uncomfortable with the very Western environment. She was more standoffish than usual in this new Court. However, her dual loyalties have yet to truly conflict. She still serves her Tribal Elders and the Emerald Mother alike fervently and tenaciously. Indeed, Chandi remains pure for the Mother, and her faith grows as her life withdraws from the rest of society. But it remains to be seen if the Triumph-of-Varuna's judgments are as sound as they will need to be in the coming nights.


Grandmother's Stone
Level: 2
Gnosis: 5
Origin: This ornamental fetish was a gift from the spirit that told her what she really was right after her First Change -- possibly an Avatar of Vishnu.
Description: This is a beautiful bright blue opal-cut gemstone set into a gold pendant and chain, worn as a necklace at all times.
Effects: 1) extra Gnosis available at night in the moonlight
Activation: The fetish may only be activated on the full moon. It must be held up high to bathe in Selene's rays.


A precocious Bobcat-spirit with a sinister streak when it comes to pranking those he dislikes, Jacy has been wandering the Pure Lands (or not so pure anymore) for quite some time. He tends to settle down in an area for awhile, and then moves on. He is not against teaming up with a Bastet now and again. His usual werecat friends have been among the Pumonca and Qualmi. The Silver Chain Pride provides this Jamak his first acquaintance with Khan and Asian Bagheera. Jacy acts like a pack totem for the Silver Chain. Through a unique binding of oaths, the Bastet all work with the Bobcat to further his curiosity about hengeyokai while they learn about the spirit realms he always used to run. Jacy prefers to sit still in a tree or hidden among brush like other lynxes. When approached, he behaves aloofly and a bit arrogantly, expecting others to dazzle him before he deems to engage in conversation.

Significant Other

Like virginal Sakti, Chandi is an untouched Untouchable. She has never laid with a man. But she is no stranger to the affections of other women. The sensual Panther grew close to Akina Li of the Khan soon after the Chinawoman arrived to the Beast-Court in 2004. The two enjoyed each other's endearment and their passions deepened daily. For a while, the two Bastet only sought comfort in each other's arms while pursuing their duties.

Eventually, Akina directed her devotions elsewhere and frequented Chandi's arms less and less often, till the relationship effectively ended without a word.


Significant Other

When Riya had difficulties with her Banjira mate, Lais, she turned to Chandi to commiserate. They ended up comforting one another more intimately, and maintain the pleasurable and friendly relationship with Lais's full knowledge (but he's deprived of the delight of joining them).


Cold Eyes

In part due to her predatory and solitary nature, her social life suffers greatly. Actually, it's almost non-existant. As a result, she may not understand other people any better than they understand her. How can she fairly and accurately judge and gauge the actions of others without empathy?

Likelihood of Corruption


Although fiercely devoted to morality and goodness, righteous Rage can be her undoing. It's the same for most of the Changing Breeds, even the highest-spirited Kitsune and kindest-hearted Gurahl.


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