Denise Ellister
Tangled Flames


Player: Cam
Chronicle: Ashes of Now
Status: PC
Storyteller: none
Colony: none
Concept: Porn Starlette
Fera: Ananasi
Faction: Kumoti
Breed: Homid
Aspect: Amari Aliquid (Viskr)
Spider Species: Black Widow Spider (Class 1)
Nature: Rebel
Demeanor: Sensualist
Rank: 2
Renown: Cunning 1/0, Obedience 1/0, Wisdom 5/0
Apparent Age: 25
Real Age: 29
Metamorphosis: 1995


Physical: Strength 2/4/5/0, Dexterity 3/6/5/9, Stamina 3/5/6/0
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4/3/1/0 (stimulating), Appearance 4/0/0/4 (earthy)
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2


Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Primal-Urge 1, Seduction 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Acting 2, Dancing 1, Drive 1, Massage 2, Melee 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Knowledges: Ananasi Lore 2, Computer 1, Enigmas 1, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Rituals 2, Spirit Lore 1, Vice 2


Gifts: 1) Inspire, Mother's Touch, Resist Toxin, Scent of Sweet Honey, Stolen Moments; 2) Minor Unweaving, Morphean Bite
Rites: Minor) Breath of Ananasa; 1) Rite of Spinning, Rite of Talisman Dedication, Studying the Great Web, Summon Paradox; 2) Recorder, Rite of Appeal, Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom
Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 3, Fame 3, Fylfot 3, Herd 2, Resources 3
Gnosis: 4
Willpower: 6
Bloodpool: 10
Merits: Human Form (3)
Flaws: Impatient (2), Prey Exclusion: children (1)

Miscellaneous Notes

Fylfots: Nails of Savor
Dedicated Items: Nails of Savor (1)
Totem Gifts: +2 Enigmas, +3 Occult (in the Sylie only)
Totem Bans: Must follow the Laws of Ananasa without fail
Spider Species Bonus: none
Banality (unusable): 6
Creativity: 2
Derangements: none


Style: none (streetfighting)
Special Manuevers (Brawl): Throw
Special Manuevers (Dodge): Evasion
Special Manuevers (Athletics): Breakfall, Jump
Special Manuevers (Shapeshifting): Melting
Special Manuevers (Melee): Great Blow, Parry
Combinations (unarmed): none
Combinations (armed): none
Melee Weapons Techniques: Blades, Blunt Weapons, Fist-Loads
Ranged Weapons Techniques: none
Firearms Techniques: none
Common Weapons: Oversized Dildo (Diff. 6, Dmg: Str+1, Conceal: J, Accur. +1)
Armor: none

Experience Points:

What is this?

Career Class: Performer
Drive: Aggressive
Social Activity: Extrovert
Long Term Goals: 1) "Clean up" the porno industry and set examples for sexual responsibility of the rest of the human herd; 2) Keep unhealthy specimens out of sexual labor (both diseased and underaged humans)
Short Term Goals: 1) Start producing her own films; 2) Remove other supernaturals' influence over the porno industry
Religion: Animism
Politics: Theocracy
Sex: Bisexual/Polygamous
Traits: Overeager, Sensual, Erotic, Sassy, Dynamic, Pushy, Innovative, Indecisive, Weird, Predatory
Additional Notes: none