Matope Zowa

aka Dion Kane
aka Deekin Ruff
Mlfame of the Ajaba
Master MC of the Freakform Force
Twilight of the Memories of Mongoose


Homid: ~Dion is an African-American waxing his 30s. Legs clad in baggy jeans or leather pants swagger onto the scene. A T-shirt or wifebeater encloses his sturdy torso and broad shoulders. Muscular, ambling arms rest at his sides, a faint scar marring the underside of his left arm. His thumbs are tucked into his pants pockets. Gold glitters on his fingers and peeks around his collar. Like a wild mane, dreadlocks splay down to his shoulders. Bound tightly each, they frame his famous face. A wide jaw is set in a perpetual smirk, grin, and leer. Only the white of his teeth and eyes break the dark-brown skin. His flat nose and a long scarring gash over his right brow curl his face into a barbarian’s sneer. His features are unmistakable: this is none other than Dion Kane AKA Deekin Ruff, the biggest new rap sensation out there -- made even more notorious by the numerous (failed) assassination attempts made on his person so far.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Fame 5; Ferocity 8, Fidelity 8, Cunning 9

Crocus: ~In Sokto, Snickers-at-the-Shadows’ body mass increases enough that his clothing is stretched to its limits. His attire barely contains heavy, dark musculature that has grown a layer of very short, coarse iron-gray fur. His nails darken to black and even seem longer, and his wide jaw gnashes audibly. The brown eyes electrify to a feral yellow-gold and his massive, stout body heaves with repressed energy.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Ferocity 8, Fidelity 8, Cunning 9

Crinos: ~Standing even taller and broader, the Ajaba’s attire is either shredded away or vanished completely. Instead is a bipedal werehyena covered in varying shades of gray fur. Black and brown spots cover his lurched back, dreadlocks becoming a thick mane. Powerful limbs end in black claws. His face distended to become a fierce snout. The black nose sniffs at the air and the powerful jaw snaps warningly. His ferocious eyes seethe in the Rage only the truly oppressed can understand, sending animals and people away in fear of the predator.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Reduced Delirium; Ferocity 8, Fidelity 8, Cunning 9

Spela: ~A terror from the plains of Africa, this huge spotted hyena is large enough to tear into a lion alone. Loping on all fours, the Chatro Ajaba inspires primal terror in the hearts of prey, discounting tales that hyenas are only scavengers. Some five hundred pounds of dark fur, sharp claws, and bone-shearing jaws prepare for the assault.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Full Delirium; Ferocity 8, Fidelity 8, Cunning 9

Hyaena: ~Out of place in the Midwest? Even with the open plains it is so, but it doesn’t seem to change the fact that this spotted hyena is there. Running free and amock from zookeepers, the sturdy animal prowls the boundaries of the woods, evading and embracing dangers alike.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Ferocity 8, Fidelity 8, Cunning 9

"Rap is just another form of storytelling. The world is listening. I will tell them what they need to hear."



The Serengeti Grasslands were Motope Zowa’s home for many years beginning in 1969. With his family, he dwelled in the village of Mau. The entire village of hundreds of Kikuyu natives were all watched over by the Ajaba, many of whom had Kin in Mau. Motope’s father was a great Mfalme of the Tribe, called Flames-of-the-Storm. His mother and little sister were Kin, but he was marked to join his father in the future. And so he was raised in the life and ways of the Ajaba. As a boy, he was shown the paths through the woods and prairies and how to fight and wrestle. He was taught who to revere and who to hate. And Motope learned well, reflecting his people’s life in avid retellings of Caliah to his sister and Kin friends. Motope also became aware of the rapidly growing antagonism between the Ajaba and Bastet. It disturbed him greatly.

First Change & Tutelage

And then in 1982, Motope was invited to attend an ua in the Hyena King’s court. A large collective of every Ajaba pack in the region gathered. Motope felt honored and was very reverent during the ritualistic proceedings broken only by constant, hoarse whoops. The Hyena King then gave a speech that resounded throughout his hall’s chambers, and touched every Ajaba there to the soul. Enthused by the presence of his brethren, excited by the noise of the hyena-folk, and inspired by the fierce and defiant words of the King, Motope felt a change within. Fit to burst, he through back his head and let out his own hyena whoop for the first time. To his surprise and to the Ajaba’s delight, he had changed and become a true werehyena. The King pointed him out as proof of the race’s long, proud life ahead and he was honored. No one’s First Change could go more smoothly.

For the next two years, Motope underwent his tutelage under multiple elders -- especially his father. He learned how to apply the rituals he had once only observed or heard about. Motope made his first kill as a predator, a simple elk, and shared it proudly with his pack, the Ashes of Rain. His father oversaw his son’s growth, and was understandably pleased when the Ashes of Rain returned from battle (and awarded his son a Tail of the Scorpion dagger). Motope had been wounded during the night-time fight, but laughed at the Simba pouncing from the shadows and helped fight the lions off from their hunting grounds. Motope was called Snickers-at-the-Shadows thereafter. And he was promoted to Damu for his first injuries and victories, bearing only a shallow scar on his left (fore)arm thereafter. The Simba he helped kill had latched onto his forepaw with its massive jaws, but it only inspired him to bite back. His powerful jaws chewed past fur and into neck, crushing the spine while his brothers and sisters toppled the lioness and rent her open, feasting upon her entrails and the unfortunate fetus-cub still in her womb. She definitely should have known better than to come stalking into Ajaba territory alone.

Early Years

But the death of that Simba was only more fuel to the fire of hatred between Bastet and Ajaba. The conflicts grew bloodier and more frequent. And so in 1984, the Hyena King called all Ajaba that could come to his court in Serengeti. The Ashes of Rain were there, naturally. Much merry-making and ritualism took place before the Great Ceremony. The King was waiting for everyone to arrive. His father sent him to Mau to gather his mother and sister, and Motope left the Hyena King’s Court. It was only minutes before the Endless Storm and its well-armed allies tore into the mass…

Sheer luck or fate? Snickers never knew, but when a spirit-bird screamed in his ear about what was happening when he stood before his family, only his mother’s most desperate pleads kept the young Ajaba from throwing himself at the cats. Taking his mother and seven year old sister, Motope guided what was remained of his family out of Kenya as quickly as possible. He did not weep for his father though the women did. He had no tears, only Rage.

Smuggling themselves through South Africa to reach the United States, the surviving Zowas moved to San Diego, California. There they started over: his mother, Aniweta, working in a textiles factory. His sister, Kaluwa, was entered into public school. And Motope took an American name to help himself “fit in”: Dion Kane. Although still young enough to attend high school, Dion instead sought work and found it as a dock worker.

For the next few years, Dion spent most of his time supporting and protecting his family from ghetto life. But he too ended up involved in crime. He would admit that he turned to running drugs for various local operations, though he never actually dealed. He participated in petty theft, grand theft auto, and a number of cases of assault and battery -- but he was never arrested. His Ajaba gifts allowed him to escape the human police. This was the life Dion led until about 1988.

The Mongoose's Paws

Eventually, he encountered one of the Killi and one of similar style and mind as he. Pierce Shades, a notorious Ratkin assassin, struck down Dion and his drug-dealer comrades one night as part of a contract killing. To Pierce’s dismay, Dion got back up -- to his relief, Dion just smiled and congratulated the knifer’s skills. Together, Pierce and Dion began a long-running relationship that benefited both shapechangers for years to come. Pierce made his life as a contract killer, but Dion helped keep the Ratkin’s feet in Gaia and the Wyld lest he fall too much in a Homid’s life. In turn, Pierce helped Dion rediscover some of his roots and opened opportunities for Dion to better himself as a warrior and scholar. Both stayed true to their people as a result and their partnership was something of underworld infamy. They spontaneously fought and allied with the occasional Corax informer and Bone Gnawer Garou.

Ten years and about two Ranks later, Dion and Pierce were approached by a werewolf of a different Tribe. Cyrene Rez of the Silent Striders invited the pair on all expenses paid trip to Tunisia to meet with an unusual council of Bete. Due to both shifters’ growing troubles at home with both human and supernatural authorities, the pair agreed. In Tunis, Pierce and Dion met with a dubious assemble of various renowned shapechangers. The council included Cyrene Rez of the Garou, Hatawa Elki-Strikes-With-Thunder of the Gurahl, Anaba Brings-the-Peyote of the Nuwisha, Ravin Rante of the Corax, Nikko Kyukugaisha of the Kitsune, and Kalinda Three-Eyes of the Bagheera. Owl had called the meeting, it seemed, and invited all present to form a new pack under the warrior-totem of Mongoose. Fighting together, Owl suggested, would remind the Bete that they could and should work together. Those present were considered both among the wisest and best skilled warriors each Breed represented had. With pride and an eye to the future, Dion joined (Pierce just wanted the money they offered).

And so the Mongoose Paws was born. Striking out together, the pack took months just to get used to one another’s living habits. Tempers flared on occasion, but everyone had sense to share to split potential brawlers apart -- Dion often shared glares with Kalinda, but the leopardess was more restrained than some other Bastet. And she was pleased to see Dion did not live up to the horrible reputation Ajaba had. The pack clashed with Banes and Black Spiral Dancers, Youngbloods and fomori. They battled vampires in the city and fought off less “enlightened” Garou in the wilderness. Their formidable and combined assets quickly became a serious threat. The Wyrm responded, calling upon the Green Dragon to form its own pack of bastards. And so the Dream-Renders were spawned, led by none other than G’mork -- perhaps the most feared Black Spiral Dancer in the world.

The Dream-Renders and Mongoose Paws played a game of cat and mouse that lasted from 1998 to 1999. The final days of the pack came when Anaba was snagged during a Deep Umbral vaunt with Ravin; Ravin fled and alerted the rest of the pack. So soon they were all en route to their final destination: Malfeas. The Dream-Renders were there waiting with an army of hellions. But since working together, the Mongoose Paws had only grown in strength, and fell upon their foes with mighty Rage the likes of which Hell had not seen in ages.

Snickers-at-the-Shadows embraced that battle and remembered it forever after. Although the sights he saw were grisly and terrifying apparitions still haunt his dreams, he helped slay all the Dream-Renders but G’mork himself who fled as his pack fell. Nexus Crawlers and demons were smote down by Hatawa’s great axe. Indeed, every warrior there accounted for himself. Anaba was finally rescued, but at a hefty cost: only Dion and Ravin survived. Whether through pure luck, great endurance, or mighty magics, the three survived and escaped Malfeas. But the experiment in racial tolerance was over. The three reported it as a success to all they knew, and mourned the loss of their comrades. But Owl assured each of them in their dreams that their deaths had been received by Gaia herself and they did not linger in the clutches of the Wyrm.

The Cries of Twilight

Snickers-at-the-Shadows returned to America without friends. He gave the money Cyrene’s people pooled as a reward to those who participated to his family in San Diego. Then he struck out again, this time wandering the country alone. He had much to think about and life-goals to form. Dion knew he had to make the best of his life for his people and not just to survive and propagate. He had to pass on the wisdom of what his people truly meant.

So serendipity brought him to the Kansas City area later in the year 1999. It was in the Smithville area that he actually came across another of his own kind named Rustjaw. Younger than he but nonetheless a survivor of the Hyena King Court Massacre, the two formed the beginnings of a new Ajaba pack. As if through a chemical reaction, other Ajaba in America were drawn to Dion and Rustjaw. The pack, Cries of Twilight, was formed and Dion named Aktu, or pack leader.

And he was overjoyed that he had this opportunity to teach younger Ajaba -- some of whom had no knowledge of the race’s true purpose and Caliah. For over a year, Dion helped the Cries of Twilight establish a small hunting grounds in the region. The grasslands and woods of Midwest America were not quite Serengeti, but they sufficed. But as time went on, Dion came to realize that in spite of his best efforts, the other Ajaba were not interested in the past. They only wanted to grab what they could now and simply survive. Mere survival, Dion felt, was not enough -- but he could not afford to try and influence his brethren anymore. Discontent with his leadership, he was ousted (peacefully) from Aktu.

Deekin Ruff

Shrugging in dismay, Dion left the Kansas City region to again wander alone. He spent a lot of time gathering his ideas and thoughts down on paper. Due to the musical and poetic approach he’d always taken to his stories, he wrote his ideas down as rap lyrics. And he began to practice his lyrics as rap. Naturally, he edited out all reference to the supernatural and Ajaba, but the meanings were still in his words. Even when he wrote from a “ghetto rap” point-of-view, it was obvious there was something more meaningful than the typical “hard life in the slums” most rappers spewed.

Dion added a “rasta” flair to his lyrics as well, taking the “professional” moniker of Deekin Ruff, and soon could make pennies on the street corner in Los Angeles. In time, a local amateur producer noticed him and invited him to perform on stage. They worked together and played in a few clubs in the L.A. area. Like most rappers, it seemed he would never get further than that. But again luck would have Dion at a new turn. A agent for Priority Records (division of Atlantic Recording Studios) saw him perform and everything went uphill from there!

Forming the record label Bamboozled, Deekin Ruff was soon propelled to the Top 10 rap list in early 2002 with the club hit “Ruffhouse”. With good marketing, timing, and talent, Dion soon put out two more hit singles: “Infirmary” and “Lyin’ King”. He spent the next six months recording the rest of his controversial album entitled “Rainmakin’”. Now he began his national tour, playing with artists such as Snoop Dogg, Tricky, and Busta Rhymes. He did get to spend an occasional week or two off in a variety of strange locations (as he said, vacation is anywhere he hasn’t been before as well as someplace worth visiting again). But for the most part, Dion remained busy putting his voice and the truth of his people hidden behind bravado lyrics on the global sound system. Perhaps it will be received as a rallying call to the Ajaba. Perhaps his high profile will be the end of him…


Tail of the Scorpion
Level: 3
Gnosis: 6
Origin: Dion received this fetish as a gift from his father, Ote Zowa, for his first pack's outstanding work.
Description: This curved ivory blade was carved from the tusk of an elephant that gave itself up to the Ajaba as sacrificial homage (like a materialized Engling hunt) decades ago. The blade was afixed onto a hilt of brass that was wrapped in leather. A small, hollow copper ball was tied to the base and filled with dried plugs of flesh taken from the fetish-maker’s skin to form a rattle.
Effects: 1) inflict aggravated damage, 2) double damage on a successful hit
Activation: The Tail must be brandished and shaken for the "death rattle" to excite the deadly spirit within.

Past Life

Like most Ajaba, Dion’s ancestral memories come more from instinctive recall than any sort of herb-smoking, spirit-channeling ceremony. Dion remembers two distinct past lives particularly. One life was only about 60 years ago, when he ran more free-spiritedly across the Serengeti, with so much less fear. The memories add to the pain of loss Dion feels for his homeland. The other dates back about two centuries, and he recalls being a powerful and renowned binu (Ajaba caern) guardian named Nightmane. In the first past life mentioned, he remembers being a Daylight Hyena; in the older memory, a Night Hyena.

Battle Scars

Class: Deep
Description: Six inch gash
Location: Left forearm
Origin: Simba bite during Rite of Passage
Effects: Aches on rainy days

Class: Superficial
Description: Two bullet pocks
Location: Right shoulder and clavicle
Origin: Two silver bullets from a dakat in America
Effects: none (bragging rights!)

Class: Superficial
Description: Four inch gash
Location: Above right brow
Origin: Renegade Simba silver sword slash while in America
Effects: none (though it certainly doesn’t give him a prettier face)

Significant Others

Dion has always enjoyed his women. But when he spotted Fayth King cheerleading during a Chiefs game in 2003, he knew he had to have her. With his rough-edged charms and feral magnetism, Dion soon enticed Fayth into a fiercely sexual relationship. They explored their desires fully and Dion entrusted the woman with his true nature. Soon their lust blossomed into love and family was considered. But first the Ajaba needs to help Fayth break her bad habit of cocaine before they marry and have children. Dion expects only strong and healthy babies! By this 2006, Fayth had kicked the habit entirely. So in the summer of 2007, Dion and Fayth made it official. They married first in San Francisco the way Fayth and her family wanted. Then the lovers traveled to Madagascar (and the Hyena Court of Bloody Leaves) for a proper Ajaba wedding.

But that wedding has been complicated. A career changed moved Fayth from the Chiefs to the 49ers. It didn't bother Dion; the other Memories of Mongoose had also ended up in northern California. But she met old friends among the cheerleaders who enticed her back into the habit of cocaine. Dion didn't judge. He just made it clear: no kids till she was clean. Confused and stressed-out and surrounded by luxury and lust, Fayth drew Dion into her sordid world rather than the other way around. Despite being married to Fayth, in 2011 they began to share their bed with coked-up teammates like Julie Alston. Other Killi who were 49er cheerleaders slipped into the scene, their goals unclear--Dion was just as confused and aroused as his wife! Kimberly Combes, Gidget Morse, Dulce Escribano, Karmelita Carranza, Kanyi Murugi, Marisol Maquiling, Callie Stevenson, Agnessa Popov, Khaira El-Reza, Samara Tagle, Verena Cockle, and Jasmine Edgerton all joined the party. What a party it is now! But then, he is a world-famous rap star. What should a king expect?
















The Special Bus

Dion is no more insane than his species normally is. That is to say, he's off his rocker. With maddening, almost habromaniacal tendencies, Dion's vicious humor does not endear him to others. And in American society, he also has a problem with keeping his zipper up: a number of women around the country raise his child. With his newfound fame, he's going to end up half-drowning in a mire of child support lawsuits. (Not that Dion would mind, as this would help him pinpoint the locations of Kin...)

Likelihood of Corruption


Unlike some of the other survivors of the Hyena King Massacre, Dion has not strayed from his race's purpose. He also seeks the redemption of the Ajaba through more honorable means, through accounting peacefully with those Shadow-Folk willing to listen, and scoffing upon those who cry for hyena blood. The only people his wrath has no tolerance is the Simba; this hatred of lions is too ingrained to let go (and so natural to the species that taking the Hatred Flaw for Simba would have been as lame as taking Hatred of the Wyrm!). Dion is not beyond reason -- a contrite apology on bended knee will spare a Simba his outrage. Not that ANY werelion would ever do that.


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