Hailey Collingsworth
“Professional Blade”

Wyrsta of the Loom
Tenere of the Ananasi
Kookyangua of the Damhán
Gaderin of the Colony of Viscid Laniary


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 132 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long braided brown
Clothing: Black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: A badass— the immediate impression anyone would have of this tall, leggy, confident woman in her late 20s, with almost a cowgirl gunman swagger to her gait, custom-knit and relaxed threads, sunglasses, and an inscrutably cold expression; if it weren't for the healthy glow to her skin, one might assume she was "vamping out"
Supernatural Qualities: Not only does she not register as a vampire, she registers entirely human to all scans, mundane or otherwise
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, hidden pistol and knife (at minimum)
Traits: Appearance 5 (stylish); Style 3; Human Form, Poker Face; Cunning 3, Obedience 5, Wisdom 1

Height: 9'1"
Weight: 325 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Long wild black
Supernatural Qualities: A spider-woman monster clacks into view: with the lower body of a huge arachnid: six spindly, hairless, legs ambulating forward, a long and more streamlined abdomen with brilliant red markings on her back and more defined swirls on her underbelly, while the thorax merges upwards with a human torso, two muscle-corded arms ending in sharp claws; but her face, once beautiful if cold, has become savage and cruel, with salivating fangs protruding from her mouth while her eyes compound into insectoid orbs, and her mane of hair becomes thick, wild, and scraggly: all of her, in a simple word: terrifying
Traits: Appearance 0; Delirium; Cunning 3, Obedience 5, Wisdom 1

Height: 8'7"
Weight: 350 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: none
Supernatural Qualities: Gone is any semblance to humanity now, as she transforms into a huge horse-sized spider, propelled forward by eight legs, an alien face of pedipalps and fangs dominating beyond the heartless compound "bug" eyes; her abdomen remains a little less of a bulbous shape than other spiders
Traits: Appearance 0; Delirium; Cunning 3, Obedience 5, Wisdom 1

Supernatural Qualities: One may encounter her in this form as a single spider or a swarming horde of them, but in either event a cause for alarm, for here is a redbacked spider, a breed of widow native to Australia, and feared there was one of the deadliest arachnids in the world: a tiny body the size of a thumb, with distinct red markings on her otherwise black body
Traits: Appearance 5; Cunning 3, Obedience 5, Wisdom 1

"No, I have no compunctions. I'll take out women and children, too. If the compensation is square.”


Date of Birth: January 7th, 1983
Home: West Chester, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Family: Brad and Jane Lucas (parents), William (younger brother), Jennifer (birth name)
Metamorphosis: Personal Tragedy (she grew up in a working-class family, her mother an Australian immigrant; in high school, she tested very high on the ASVAB, so joined the army after high school; her talent and skills lent her to deployment as black ops, one of the few women troops so used; but then the CIA set her and her unit up to die in order to bury their dirty black bag missions, so she broke from her comrades in the Middle East, faked her own death, and returned to the US to start her life anew as a professional hitwoman; while mostly a solo act, she worked alongside a fellow pro, something of a corporate assassin type, named "Jeff" [unaware that he was a Syndicate "mage"]; but then her world turned upside-down when she suffered a NDE when shot by a rival hitman and she fell off a roof, which she survived because it triggered her unusually late Metamorphosis), 2008
Mentor: Nekrosa Belillian
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (Hailey crawled away, inadvertently crawling through the Gauntlet into the Umbra, where she lay bleeding; Spider-spirits found her and carried her away through the ethereal haze to the Sylie of an Arachnid-born Tenere staking out the city's Great Web; she healed young Hailey and helped her come to grips with what she had become, before inspiring a visionary meeting between the fledgling and Queen Ananasa herself, who required no "Rite of Passage" for the new werespider, anointing her Aspect as Tenere, and commanding her to gather the dead by continuing her career as an assassin, even permitting her to return to Jeff)
Comrades: Jeff Miller, Clifton Rey, Penny Henstridge, Sasha Belle, Shinrai Takekuki, Farrah Addien, Margaret "Meg" Hills, Gracie Jarviss, Wynter Henley
Key Event #1: War (Hailey returned to Jeff, who was pleasantly surprised she survived their rival's hit, who Jeff already eliminated in revenge; she continued doing jobs with and occasionally for him, but always ran all contracts by the Queen to ensure they coincided with her grand design)
Key Event #2: War (she killed her way up quickly through the ranks of professionals, specializing in sniper hits using hollow-tip bullets filled with poison, sometimes her own venom; Jeff became suspicious of her true nature, but the two of them enjoyed their quasi-pretend cat-and-mouse game of hidden supernatural identities)
Key Event #3: War (though it seemed to work with Jeff's priorities, the removal of so many other rival competitor killers actually suited the Queen's plans, though neither her or Jeff could find the local notorious assassin known only as "the Cat")
Transition: Victory (despite that one loose end, she continued working "for" Jeff, Queen Ananasa's hitwoman on-call, glad to put her talents to higher use than mere personal gratification)


Dipteran Spies (talens)
Appearance: Dead houseflies kept in a pouch
Origin: Creation
Effects: Imbued with very minor, enslaved Fly-spirits, each husk of a dead fly is "zombified", serving as a perfect spy for a short while; it can return to her and "report" (telepathically) what it saw
Activation: She must pluck the fly from the pouch and give it a name (she has 5 left)


Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Skyscraper
Stock: A sub-basement compartment of Jeff's corporate headquarters, which she's electronically secured off while filling it with webs and food

Significant Other

Name: Jeffrey Miller, 2006
Nature: Companionship


No Women, No Kids?

Like most Ananasi, Hailey has no (human) moral compunctions. At all. Even Jeff may not be able to accept that forever.

Likelihood of Corruption


Hailey's a devoted creature of high discipline and focus and in frequent contact with "the boss".


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