Kimberly Combes
“Whirling Webs”

Viskr of the Storm
Kumoti of the Ananasi
Kookyangua of the Damhán
Amari Aliquid of Freakform Force

Professional Cheerleader of the San Francisco 49ers!


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: Gray and navy-blue casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A drop-dead gorgeous, petite-bodied redhead with an athletic figure and enthralling smile, she plays the role of the intoxicating girl-next-door masterfully, from her stylish and revealing attire to her innocently friendly flirtations
Supernatural Qualities: They call them "bedroom eyes"...she's clearly hungry!
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (erotic); Style 3; Sex Appeal; Cunning 2, Obedience 2, Wisdom 6

Height: 9'0"
Weight: 315 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Long wild red
Supernatural Qualities: This horrifying arachnid monster towers above, half-spider, half-woman: from the waist below, the brown carapace of a giant spider monster, impelled forward by six legs; her back and belly both bear red markings, some natural and some not; but from the waist up, she is vaguely human, with slender arms ending in deadly claws, skin pocked with patches of protective exoskeleton, while her face hardens with edges, her illustrious red mane grows wild and scraggly, her eyes darken into black compound insect eyes, and her canine teeth elongate into venom-dripping who's drooling for who?
Traits: Appearance 0; Delirium; Cunning 2, Obedience 2, Wisdom 6

Height: 8'7"
Weight: 335 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: none
Supernatural Qualities: No longer even partially human, in this frightening shape she takes on as a brown widow, as deadly as any of her kind, far worse when she's the size of a Ford Fiesta and sprouting pedipalps and ichorous fangs the size of human fists; her streamlined form boasts the infamous hourglass marking on her abdomen, while eight spindly legs carry her forward to her next feast
Traits: Appearance 0; Delirium; Cunning 2, Obedience 2, Wisdom 6

Supernatural Qualities: Whether encountered singularly or in a swarm, this shape comprises of a common and healthy brown widow's insignificant size, seemingly harmless and natural save to the careless, but a close-up would reveal the gears turning inside its tiny head through those multi-faceted alien eyes
Traits: Appearance 5; Cunning 2, Obedience 2, Wisdom 6

"Of course it’s an act. You want real-peppy? Eat meth. Want feel-good peppy? Ta-daaaaa!”


Date of Birth: October 20th, 1990
Home: Northridge, Los Angeles, California, United States
Family: Henry (Hank) and Eliza Combes (parents), Stuart (younger brother)
Metamorphosis: Personal Tragedy (always a beautiful girl from Los Angeles, born into a middle class suburban family; even as a teen, she modeled for magazines and catalogues, and of course was involved in dance, gymnastics, and cheerleading; her Metamorphosis arrived with no warning signs, not even "detachment", she just started getting hungry for "weird stuff", starting with body fluids, and found ultimately that only blood satisfied; hunger eventually overcame and she shifted to Lilian and ate her boyfriend, whose carcass she left on the beach, his death blamed on drowning and state of decomposition explained by crab scavenging), 2006
Mentor: Bliss Righting
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (luckily, an Arachnid-bred Damhán came across the confused teen after she had fled home in terror; the older werespider approached privately and soothed her and began to teach her the Litany before introducing her to her scary "webbed" Sylie, and there to Queen Ananasa herself through spiritual communication; the Queen set her task to influence professional athletics among humans, guiding all of mankind into an apathetic and atrophied stupor while enhancing choice beings; with Bliss's guidance, she proved herself by re-directing a "plague of locusts" that a witch had been summoning against on its enemies, and Kim learned to do so by employing above all her Crawlerling form and webbing to literally adjust the plague's path into an orange grove that the Wyrm had corrupted; once destroyed, Kim had to "clean up" the swarm by eating them all, a task she performed with the patience and care any good Ananasi would be expected to exhibit)
Comrades: Cybil Ireland, Daliena Willier, Norah Gladwin, Lily Scarborough, Dion Kane, Marisol Maquiling, Fayth Kingman, Julie Alston, Kanyi Murugi, Dulce Escribano, Gidget Morse, Jasmine Edgerton, Callie Stevenson, Karmelita Carranza, Agnessa Popov, Khaira El-Reza, Samara Tagle, Verena Cockle
Key Event #1: Treachery (this initial task was so involved that it took her the better part of a focused year, but her success crossed her ranks up; meanwhile, once complete, she felt compelled to revisit her parents despite the expectation she would sever human contacts, as she genuinely worried about their mental health after their daughter disappeared)
Key Event #2: Treachery (then the Queen gave Kim a new job: to isolate the Ajaba, a species of Ovid; she knew she was not given the full picture, but she began her task in earnest, starting with a trip to Mexico not far from Trella Bloody-Eyes' infamous Ajaba court; she began her college career there as a transfer studnet, while part of the degree she sought in public service required her to participate in community reach-out to improve socio-economic conditions; the efforts were not only fruitful for the area, but undermined the Ajaba's ally recruiting efforts, which so often targeted impoverished and desperate gangbangers
Transition: Reassignment (part two of her grand mission for Ananasa would take place back in California, so she finished uni in Mexico and moved to San Francisco, using her sex appeal to easily join the 49ers' professional football cheer squad; her familiarity with Mexico involved trips to Baja, especially Tijuana, where she found and seduced some of herd, but also adding to the squad and the growing influence over Dion Kane, an unofficial patron, famous rap musician, all-around hound-dog, and 100% true-born Ajaba)


Ribbon of Blissful Joy
Appearance: A single satin strip of red designed to both bind and spruce up a girl's hair
Origin: Gift
Effects: Enthrall and mesmerize a target (who's normally attracted to the character's gender), even to the point of ending a frenzy
Activation: She must adjust the ribbon in her hair (to bring attention to it), then perform a brief if suggestive dance


Location: Santa Clara, California, United States
Structure: Bunker
Stock: The auxiliary cheerleader locker room has been marked as "under repairs" and she's taken it over, with fairly limited webbing but the lockers are stuffed with extra resources

Significant Others

Names: Dion Kane, Kanyi Murugi, Fayth Kingman, Julie Alston, Dulce Escribano, Gidget Morse, Jasmine Edgerton, Callie Stevenson, Karmelita Carranza, Marisol Maquiling, Agnessa Popov, Khaira El-Reza, Samara Tagle, Verena Cockle, 2012
Nature: Erotic
















Kim isn't supposed to care about people, especially those who aren't Damhán. But she does. This not only makes it harder for her to do her job sometimes, it risks exposure to her fellow werespiders, who would then question her judgment.

Likelihood of Corruption


While she knows what she's about, she encourages and cultivates a less self-determined crowd.


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